Automatic Generator Control

automatic generator control
ILLUMRA wiring diagrams

Generator Disconnect (E3K-K11-WH)



Automatic Generator Control System prevents overloading of a backup generator.


A facility, equipped with a backup generator, has some power-hungry equipment, which the generator is incapable of running. They want to automatically disconnect the power-hungry equipment from the supply circuit whenever the generator comes on-line, thereby preventing the generator from overloading.


The ILLUMRA Control Extender power sensors can be used to detect the presence of a supply voltage, and transmit a control signal to a corresponding relay receiver. The Control Extender power sensor was connected to the AC output of the generator. In this case, the relay receiver drove the coil of a much larger contactor, which is capable of switching the power-hungry equipment. The ILLUMRA components were installed quickly and help the facility to run more smoothly.
