Private Labeling

Foothills Soccer Arena

Install LED Fixtures faster

with ILLUMRA Wireless Controls



ILLUMRA is a leading provider of self-powered wireless LED control systems including motion and daylighting sensors, dimming and relay controllers, and wireless switches. Energy code compliant controls are available with ILLUMRA branding or private label branding.



Energy Code Compliance


ILLUMRA products facilitate compliance with California Title 24 and ASHRAE 90.1


Daylighting and motion sensors are designed to save energy by turning down lights automatically.


The Salt Lake City International Center office building implemented required motion sensors using ILLUMRA products.



Happier Customers

Successful deal


Minimize Disruption to Building Occupants


Spend less time installing wires and repairing walls; ILLUMRA controls use wireless transmissions to send control signals to lights.


Wireless, battery-free light switches can be installed anywhere without any wiring whatsoever.


An automotive manufacturing plant in Tennessee installed 400 LED fixtures without affecting production by completing the installation over 3 weekends.

single rocker switch


More Projects


Wireless controls install where wired controls cannot


In situations where wiring is impractical, wireless controls can be installed instead.



ILLUMRA wireless controls enabled The City of New York to install code compliant lighting controls while avoiding asbestos remediation by keeping all work below the ceiling.






Easy Configuration


Use our mobile application to configure lighting zones and behavior


Each of our devices has a unique barcode to scan and program individually to a wireless controller. 








Private Labelling 20A Relay

Private Labeling


All our products are available with your logo


Bundle controls to sell with your fixtures


With no effort on your part, products will be shipped with your logo on the label and shipping box. The mobile app will show your logo.









ILLUMRA products are trusted for private label by multiple $1Billion+ multi-national firms and also many national OEM fixture manufacturers who sell additional projects with ILLUMRA controls bundled with their packages.


Check out our videos!



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